CQS (CPMS) Client Care Policy

Updated: 2024-05-16
Product Details
The recent update to the CQS Core Practice Management Standards (CPMS) requires CQS firms to have a policy in place for client care (s6.1).
Policy documents can be time-consuming and difficult to prepare without a Policy Template as a starting point.
The Client Care Policy Template includes reference to:
  • Competence and client acceptance
  • Conveyancing quotations
  • Confidentiality
  • Responsiveness and managing expectations
  • Referring clients to third parties
  • The updated Legal Ombudsman Scheme Rules which come into force from 1 April 2023
...as well as other formalities and general obligations as required under 6.1 of the CPMS.
Document Properties
Change Control
Associated Policies
1. Purpose and objectives
2. Competence and client acceptance
3. Conveyancing quotations
4. Confidentiality
5. Dress and demeanour
6. Commitment
7. Responsiveness and managing expectations
8. Courtesy
9. Reasonable adjustments for disabled clients
10. Referring client to third parties
11. Updated Ts & Cs - s.8.3 SRA Code of Conduct